Professional .NET Course for Web Development and Project Management

1.000,00 EGP

Are you looking to enhance your web development and project management skills? Do you want to specialize in .NET technologies and stay ahead in the competitive world of web development? Look no further! Our professional .NET course is designed to provide you with comprehensive training and practical experience in .NET web development and project management.


Professional .NET Course for Web Development and Project Management


Are you looking to enhance your web development and project management skills? Do you want to specialize in .NET technologies and stay ahead in the competitive world of web development? Look no further! Our professional .NET course is designed to provide you with comprehensive training and practical experience in .NET web development and project management.

Course Overview:

  • Duration: 18 weeks
  • Mode of Delivery: Online
  • Curriculum: Our curriculum is carefully designed by industry experts with over 20+ years of experience in web development. It covers the following key topics:
  1. Git Basics
  2. Agile Fundamentals using scrum
  3. Your first project
  4. Basic syntax and keywords
  5.  Variables in c#
  6. Comments in c#
  7. Classes and Objects in c#C
  8. Encapsulation in c#
  9. Number Systems
  10. Numeric Types in C#
  11. Floating point numeric types in c#
  12. c# Working with Strings
  13. Date And Time in c#
  14. 14 c# Anonymous Type in
  15. c# Dynamic Type
  16. C# basics Date And Time P2
  17. c# Dynamic VS object
  18. c# Operators
  19. c# Enumerations Type
  20. c# IF Statement
  21. c# Ternary Operator
  22. c# Switch Statement
  23. c# Static modifier
  24. c# Arrays I
  25. c#Arrays II
  26. c# Lists |
  27. c# SortedList
  28. c# Dictionary
  29. C# Stack
  30. C# Queue
  31. C# Tuple
  32. 31 C# ValueTuple
  • Expert Instructors: Our instructors are experienced professionals who have hands-on expertise in .NET technologies and project management. They will provide personalized guidance, feedback, and mentorship throughout the course.
  • Practical Approach: Our course emphasizes a practical approach, where you will be working on real-world projects, coding exercises, and assignments to apply the concepts you learn. This will help you build a strong portfolio of .NET projects to showcase your skills to potential employers.
  • Flexible Schedule: We understand that professionals have busy schedules, so we offer flexible timings for our courses, allowing you to learn at your own pace and balance your other commitments.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: You will have access to a supportive learning environment, including online forums, discussion groups, and a dedicated support team to assist you with any queries or issues you may have during the course.

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